I do all kinds of stuff.
Web stuff. Print stuff. WordPress stuff. Media stuff. Data stuff. And Mac stuff.
Web stuff.
I’ve been creating websites ever since websites were a thing. Since 1997, I’ve built at least thirty (and counting), for clients as diverse as a Rutgers University science lab to a Massachusetts-based healthcare consortium, from a lead apron inspection tracking service to a sea surface temperature chart vendor. You name it, I’ve web-ified it.

Print stuff.
In 1995, I launched AltiM@c to address a critical need—Mac-specific support for graphic designers, type houses and local printers. Since then I’ve guided many a designer along the winding road from analog to digital, taught scores of desktop publishing classes, and fixed more font problems, non-printing files, and PostScript errors than there are colors in a Pantone™ swatch book.

WordPress stuff.
Besides building all those WordPress and PHP-based sites, I help artists and designers who need to offer both print and online options for their clients, but find that stuff like choosing just the right page builder, troubleshooting rogue plugins, dealing with their Web host’s tech support staff, or writing custom CSS just isn’t their thing. Luckily for both of us, that’s my thing.

Media stuff.
At Manasquan, NJ’s Star News Group, I’ve been busy customizing existing systems and building new ones to optimize their entire operation. Stuff like single-copy sales and renewal billing systems tailored precisely to the needs and requirements of a weekly publication, up to and including an Alexa flash briefing skill, Apple News app integration, and an NJPA award-winning website.

Data stuff.
One-click conversion from Excel or FileMaker to fully-styled, print-ready InDesign files. Custom equipment inspection systems, invoice builders, route visualizers and more. AppleScript. XData/InData. Been there, done that. Which means I can save you tons of time turning your data into something that’s not just useful, but beautiful as well.

Mac stuff.
I’ve been providing Mac troubleshooting and support services since the mid-1990s, back when the Mac IIci was the bee’s knees. If you’re having trouble with any kind of Mac—or iDevice—odds are I can set things right for you. From artists to attorneys, from Chubb to The Children’s Place, nobody knows the (Mac) troubles I’ve seen…

706 LaReine Ave. #302 • Bradley Beach, NJ 07720