Client Stuff
College Scoops

Osterville, MA

WordPress Stuff

Data Stuff

Mac Stuff
College Scoops is a Web-based service that provides parents of college-bound students with the resources they need to save time, money and stress when planning a college trip. They offer customized downloadable eBooks, concierge services to plan optimal college visits, and insights from over five hundred student and parent “ambassadors” who provide first-hand and unbiased information on hundreds of schools across the U.S.
Founder Moira McCullough, who worked in tech sales and consulting while earning her MBA from Columbia Business School, started College Scoops in 2017 after spending countless hours scouting college campuses with her three college-bound teenagers.
Because is a WordPress/WooCommerce site, and because Moira runs the entire enterprise on a MacBook Pro, I’m able to provide assistance in all kinds of ways, including the construction of a virtual eBook “factory” that funnels mountains of data gathered by the ambassadors in Google Sheets into a FileMaker database, then churns out fully-formatted, interactive PDF files with just a few clicks.

706 LaReine Ave. #302 • Bradley Beach, NJ 07720
908.623.0853 •