Secure Payments Portal
Payment Processing
Welcome to the AltiM@c Secure Payments Portal
If you‘re here to make payment on an AltiM@c invoice, you’ve come to the right place. Just enter the invoice number (as in 2025-XXX) below, and click the “Make Payment” button using any major credit card.
Should you prefer Venmo (, PayPal (, or Zelle (, you are more than welcome to use those as opposed to a credit card.
If you harbor any security concerns regarding online financial transactions, you are also more than welcome to mail a check, made payable to AltiM@c Consulting, to the following address:
AltiM@c Consulting
706 LaReine Ave. #302
Bradley Beach, NJ 07720-1065

706 LaReine Ave. #302 • Bradley Beach, NJ 07720